الأحد، 31 أغسطس 2008

Ramadan kareem...

Today ; is the first day of Ramadan i am very happy like most people
i ask Allah to forgive me of my mistakes that i have done
2n shaa Allah , i have program this ramadan i intend to read the holy kor2n more than one and don't leave my pray
we kol sana wentom taybeen.


الخميس، 28 أغسطس 2008

python !!!

today; i began to study one of high level programming lang. called 'python'
the power of python that the most applicathions in linux made by it, and i will study it as i want to learn how to write good scripts?
my name was enrolled in python study group by ahmed madkour.
i already finished two chapters it seem to be easy to learn.

الثلاثاء، 26 أغسطس 2008

Things ; i have done......

HI; it's far time that i was bloged in my blog but it's time now to rebuild my posts.
First: I have proplem with my linux fedora with net it doesn't work after installation i still few days search but (elhmed llah)i fix this proplem.
second: i finished the summer training in my faculty; it was small thing that i want to keep it or make it before finishing the training but unfortunatly i failed (mosh hakoooooool alih) try to know it ?!!)
third :i try to rebuild relation with one of my closed friendes and making it strong enough and i think i make it successfuly;
have fun:D

الجمعة، 1 أغسطس 2008

my result!!

الحمد لله .
finally , after ayear of work the result has been shown and
the result is abit good as i approx. expect
any way lets welcome new year
2n sha3 allah i will complete my network course at the end of this month
today i get my linux RHEL 5 i 'll try to complete my admin. study